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Subject: Re: Fw: ondio fm

Re: Fw: ondio fm

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 12:05:03 +0100 (MET)

I also have a 1GB card, no problems. He should duplicate the Rockbox
installation onto the card, to avoid confusion.

A little background: in the case of non-flashed Rockbox, the Archos firmware
loads the ajbrec.ajz from the *internal* memory, regardless of plugged MMC
or not. Once booted, Rockbox will then switch and use the external card

There are plans to instead mount the MMC into the "regular" file system,
thus have access to both, but don't hold your breath for it. USB access can
only happen to one memory at a time, so internal if nothing plugged, MMC if

> My brother is using RockBox on an Ondio, and he has problems with a 1 gig
> card, and seems that he cannot play anything with a 1 gig card, is this to
> be expected?
> Here's his message to me below...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: james
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:00 PM
> Subject: ondio fm
> think i figured it out!?
> I now can load my 1gig mmc card and works fine on ondio as long as i dont
> add directories, that is just dump all mp3s into same root directory. Soon
> as i add directories then problem starts. As i try to access that
> directory
> ondio(or rockbox at this point) says ".rockbox directory missing, then
> incomplete configuration" . I have to reboot to fix.
> I thought well i will just add a .rock... dir into the directory (sub )i
> want to have, but no luck!
> It may be cause i didnt replace ondio flash w/rockbox but just did the
> image. I should do that since i plan to keep rockbox.
> At this point im fine as i use one 256mb mmc for jazz and 1 gig for rock.
> Long as i dont add directories im fine.
> _______________________________________________

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Received on 2004-12-13

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