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Subject: RE: Rockbox Digest, Vol 11, Issue 16

RE: Rockbox Digest, Vol 11, Issue 16

From: Stuart Tedford <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 17:01:02 -0000

> (typically 0.3watts more).
I have used a Toshiba MK6022GAX and it would stop working when the battery
level got down to about 4.59V. My new Fujitsu MHU2100AT works fine right
down to 4.40V. Which means about a couple of hours extra use. I also got a
slight spinup noise through the earphones with the toshiba, whereas no noise
on the Fujitsu.

The toshibas were fitted as a temporary measure as I knew I was going to
need them for future laptops, where the 16MB cache and 5400rpm speed were
required. For a permanent mp3 player HDD, a 4200 drive is much better.

Also, toshibas don't keep their power management settings between resets,
this means they will never spindown when connected to USB - even if you
don't access them, which is really quite crap. I'd go for a Travelstar or
Fujitsu over a Toshiba every time.

Hope this helps.

Received on 2004-12-13

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