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Subject: Re: Rockbox Digest, Vol 11, Issue 48

Re: Rockbox Digest, Vol 11, Issue 48

From: Ezra <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 13:42:38 -0500

I had a very scary experience trying to install Rockbox 2.4:
    I have an FM recorder and I was about to go on a long road trip so I decided to install the latest version of Rockbox. I already had 2.3 on but I like the feature that let you split recordings up into 75 or 80 minute segments, so I thought I would try 2.4. I installed 2.4 just as I would any other version of rockbox (I have done this countless times before with no trouble - just copying the directory... playing the ajz file, and flashing it.). Everything seemed to go fine. I rebooted the Archos and tried to play a file.... it froze. I had to hold the off switch for about 15 seconds before it would turn off. I figured maybe I shook it or something happened when it was reading the file and the hd just messed up. Anyway, I tried again. It froze once more. I turned it off and then hit the on button to see if anything was wrong in the main window/browser itself. The light turned on, I heard the box spin up and then it died... not even getting to the rockbox boot screen. I must have tried 4 time to turn in on when it occurred to me that the batteries could be dead. I plugged the archos in and hit on... vala! It turned on, but it still froze when I tried to play files in which case I had to unplug it and then hold down off. I tried plugging it into my computer... It worked! I thought I might revert back to I did. After I unplugged the archos from the computer and flashed 2.3 I tried to turn the archos on... it didn't work. One more time... YAY! Rockbox 2.3 was on again! It seems to be working now but I think I found what the problem was:

I noticed the name of the folder (.zip) that I had downloaded was named xxxxx fmrecorder8 xxxxx. That was my problem.... I have a regular fmrecorder... not an 8meg one.. I have yet to open it up and do that upgrade.

Moral of the story: Click the right icon and check folder names!

Also, If I actually did need to send it in to Archos, how would I go about unflashing rockbox or flashing the original stuff onto it? I looked in the manual but I couldn't find much. I think I have the .bin files it talks about (did that before first flash) but I don't know how to use them.

The 2.4 version of rockbox still has the daily build date on the boot screen. It doesn't say 2.4.
Received on 2004-12-24

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