Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Playlist creationRe: Playlist creation
From: Brian Wolven <brian.wolven_at_verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 18:18:22 -0500 Mark Bright wrote: > Doh! > > Sorry, that is what I meant to say... Too many alcohol fuelled late nights > over xmas is my excuse... > > I do have a command line random playlist generation routine, I just need to > work out how to recurse it thro the menu structure. > > One option would be to copy and edit the windows script file that creates > the talkbox folder names, but I would like to work out how to do it in DOS - > just because it's given me so much trouble! I couldn't resist, so... This DOS line (in batch file format here, i.e., place it in a batch file and execute from there via CLI or drag-and-drop) will create a playlist of all mp3 files at or below the current directory level, with the playlist files located in the folders containing those songs. IOW, if you sort by genre/artist/album, then in each genre folder you'll have a playlist of all songs in that genre, in each artist folder you'll have a playlist of all songs by that artist, and in each album folder you'll get... yes, you saw it coming... a playlist of all songs in that album! FOR /R %1 %%i IN (.) DO DIR /b /s "%%i"\*.mp3 > "%%i"\Playlist.m3u If you want to actually type it yourself without running from a batch file, just change %%i to %i and I think that'll do it. _______________________________________________ http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/rockbox Received on 2004-12-30 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |