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Subject: Re: Quickskip

Re: Quickskip

From: <>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 16:09:23 -0400 (EDT)

Yea, I probably should have explained the concepts. As Lee pointed out,
it's a quick jump ahead or back a fixed amount. I listen to audio books
on my Rockbox and often miss a key word or concept, so I like to jump back
to re-listen to the audio. I also listen to recorded radio and like to
skip ahead of commercials, so I want to be able to skip over commercials.
Fast-Forward and Rewind doesn't give me the level of control of just
quickly jumping back or forward that Quickskip and Instant Replay does.

I submitted a patch some time ago, but it never got integrated into the
core. I recently upgraded my Rockbox to the latest daily-snapshot and had
to intgrate my patch to a massivly changed base so I just re-wrote the my
patch to work with the latest.

I replaced the existing previous and next track button presses with my
code and moved previous track and next track to (BUTTON_LEFT | BUTTON_ON)
and (BUTTON_RIGHT | BUTTON_ON), respectivly. Now I have this pesky
problem that if I skip to the next track (via a remapped keys), Rockbox
also records a Quickskip, starting the next track the amount of the


Received on 2005-04-16

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