Rockbox mailing lists
- (no subject)
- (no subject))
- (was: (no subject))
- 100GB 2.5" HDD comparison
- Archos Gemini 120
- autoconf.h
- Autoloadconfig thingy - wanted: feedback :-)
- AW: Broken JBR - Searching for SMD Value
- blind flashing guide french translation
- blind flashing guide french translation corrected ;)
- Blind user needs Help! weird problems!
- Bookmarks
- Broken JBR - Searching for SMD Value
- can't flash a JBR 20
- DIY headphone amp for an Archos - running *rockbox*, of course
- DJ mode possible?
- Dropped AJR v1 20gb
- Dropped AJR v1 20gb)
- Extreme Power- Consumption in USB- Mode; strange Rockbox- behaviour
- FM Recorder Boot Issues
- Gentlemen, we have SOUND! (part 2)
- GMini 120
- Good deal on 60G drive
- Hard Disk- Power off on JBS 20 Question
- Hardware problems on my Studio 10 shortly after flashing Rockbox 2.4 (Panic ATA: -11)
- hcl: tools,1.22,1.23
- Hello my first question is
- JBR- Schematics question; where is diode D7?
- JBR20 car charger
- JBS: DC- regulator blown second time; what's the cause?
- magnet zap (was: no subject)
- News from the future ?
- Part on my JBS which shouldn't be there! 8-?
- Patch #868645 (trigger recording) now in the daily builds!
- Playback problems
- Progress on Rockbox Doom port?
- Quickskip
- Recorder 20 problem
- Red LED death
- RuntimeDatabase
- Safe shutdown on flashed JBS
- scrolling in dirbrowser
- stevenm: apps/plugins midi2wav.c,1.3,1.4
- The Internal Mic
- Trigger recording active as soon you boot the box?
- V1 drivers
- v2 recorder not booting
- What to prefer Gmini 120 or XS200??
- What's wrong with my tag-DB?
- directions for use of the Iriver