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Subject: Re: OT sound production

Re: OT sound production

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 07:53:15 +0200 (MEST)

> please excuse the Off Topic nature of the following:
> I bring it here because there are many here who know much more than I
> about
> this.
> I downloaded a little program which runs a sound frequency of 16,000 hz to
> 20,000 hz, intended for repelling mosquitoes.

This is a myth, fueled by people selling these little beepers. If you want
something working, spray yourself with a repellant or better use a mosquito
net. No wonder that professionals are not walking around with beepers.

> I have a couple of questions:
> Can good computer speakers reproduce a sound this high?

Good speakers can, but computer speakers probably can't.

> and can a computer
> sound card, or the Archos units produce such a frequency?

Yes. Soundcards are pretty good these days, with sample rates of 96 kHz.
Archos (and the mp3 format) can do 48 kHz max. This should be good for a
little more than 20 kHz reproduction.
But IIRC, many mp3 encoders cut at 16 kHz. So does the Archos analog input.
I don't know about it's encoder itself, when using digital in.


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Received on 2005-06-30

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