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Subject: Re: iriver T family of PlaysForSure-verified flash-memory music devices

Re: iriver T family of PlaysForSure-verified flash-memory music devices

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 19:13:35 +0100 (BST)

I wouldn't have personally considered the production of schematics as
reverse engineering. I'd have thought of reverse engineering as 'how/why
does this work' not 'what does it look like'. (In the same way that I
don't consider cracking the encryption of the firmware to be reverse

Whatever - I guess that's irrelevent - tracing any part of the original
firmware using BDM would without doubt be reverse engineering (was this
done?). Doesn't matter, original point I agree with, which is that we
would (unrealistically?) need to encourage people to buy new toys and
sacrifice them, possibly permanently, for the greater good of rockbox.

Or, encourage people who have already done so, to come forward :)

> wrote:
>> There wasn't really any 'reverse-engineering' going on to port rockbox
>> to
>> the iRiver H1xx series ... but yeah, volunteers needed to buy and take
>> apart new range DAPs always welcomed
> I took it apart and traced the pcb with a multimeter to draw schematics.
> Isn't that reverse engineering?
> Linus
> _______________________________________________

Received on 2005-08-11

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