Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Recording screen: breaking the lawRe: Recording screen: breaking the law
From: perterm <perterm_at_vce.de>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 09:58:38 +0200 Jens Arnold wrote: > - When leaving the recording screen with stop, it should also > leave the menu completely, i.e. drop you back to the browser, > if something was recorded. Otherwise it would bring you back > to the menu as it is now. ---snip--- > This is just one more click for playing your latest recording > (pressing Play after dropping back to the browser) You're right. Simply to return to the browser would be ok for me. We seem to agree here as that is basically the same idea I tried to describe in the wiki. The only difference is that I proposed that rockbox kind of "does that play klick" for you when you have resume enabled. That could be implemented in tree by simply checking a flag and then start playback and call wps. We also could make a separate settings option for this. But I'd prefer not to increase the options clutter. > - Recording should have the equivalent of "follow playlist", > i.e. the drop-back-to-browser would bring you right to the > last recorded file with this option enabled. If you prefer that option - so be it. Personally I think that it is not necessary. I assume you wouldn't like "follow playlist" to control both, playback and recording? Phil _______________________________________________ http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/rockbox Received on 2005-09-08 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |