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Subject: Re: rasher: firmware id3.c,1.110,1.111

Re: rasher: firmware id3.c,1.110,1.111

From: Jonas H. <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:39:48 +0200

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 12:07:16PM +0200, Frederic Devernay wrote:
> Even the authors if id3v2.3 preferred stopping at 125, whereas they
> certainly has the complete list available... Why shouldn't rockbox also
> stop at 125? That way, we would stick to "official" publications.
> I'm pretty sure that winamp's gcomplete genre list wouldn't be accepted in
> a RFC...

The thing is, pretty much every implemetation out there covers 1-147 and
that's why Rockbox should as well. Anyway, ID3v2.3 is outdated, and the
genre list wasn't really meant to be used. Notice that ID3v2.4 only
includes 1-79[1] (Section 7.A). Should we remove 79-147 then?

ID3 is hardly an official standard (not even "official" if you ask me),
certainly ID3v1 isn't. The genres 1-147 are accepted by all the tools I
know, and I see no reason why Rockbox should leave out some on purpose.
That'd just be stupid. Besides, there are some of the >125 ones that
make sense.

In my eyes, lacking these genres is a bug that should be fixed.

> I'm also damn happy not to use winamp anymore!!!

If that's because of this issue, I suggest you team up with this guy[2]
and take on AOL, then.


Jonas H
                                                  -- Random .sigs suck
Received on 2005-09-09

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