Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Why not iPod?Re: Why not iPod?
From: Arnaud <xcopy_at_club-internet.fr>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 16:58:50 +0200 oh no, not Ipod. It's a loosy and quite expensive MP3 player with only a good estetic feel but little features. I think Iriver players or newer Archos player or some others E.G. NeoSafa, Samsung, etc. are far far better than the Ipod for a cheaper price. On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:23:18 -0400, you wrote: >OK, right off the bat, let me say that I despise Apple, Steve Jobs and >most of what they stand for. Ahem. > >That said, is there any reason why the iPod isn't considered for a >RockBox port? It would seem that with a port of Linux running on the >thing, there should be enough info out there for a port. > >As I scan the racks of even Walmart and see all the nifty accessories >that work only with an iPod, I have to admit that it would be a nice >host for RockBox. I'd LOVE to have a set of amplified speakers into >which my jukebox would simply snap, like those offered by several >different companies for the iPod. > >I don't want to even appear to become an AppleDroid but OTOH, the >hardware is nice... > >John >--- >John De Armond >See my website for my current email address >http://www.johngsbbq.com >Cleveland, Occupied TN ---------- Arnaud de Bonald - http://bonald.org Received on 2005-09-24 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |