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Subject: Re: Player recommendation?

Re: Player recommendation?

From: Lars van de Klomp <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 10:35:55 -0700

> > Lol, I see you're dutch 2.
> Well, no!? Does my english has a dutch touch? Or is it because of the
> Euro? I am from Germany. :)

Oops, I should have looked at your e-mailaddres (jup '.de' you're real
german :P ). You have just a very dutch name, which can of course be
german aswell.

> really not noticable? Did you check with two continueing songs that are
> not faded? I think either it is gapless or you will hear it.

I just checked it and.. its about 0,25 of a second. Ok, not gapless
but pretty close. Anyway it wouldn't be annoying in a recorded concert
or something.

> Ipod is not OGG-able. Also I have heard that the IPods look badly used
> after a short while. (btw I do not understand the hype around the IPod?)

I just mumbled a few models, I personally don't like ipod either.

Ok I wast just being a bit too positive about the H320. But I choose
this one because of the future rockbox support, good sound quality and
equalizer (which I think you forgot to mention ;) ) USB on the go and
pretty good battery capacity.

There is only one downside about it, the boot time....
But if you turn of ID3 tags (which you said you would probably not
use) it's not that long anymore (about 9-10 secs just counted).

There's also a lot to customize (it will only void your warranty,
which rockbox in some cases does aswell) e.g. own skins on the outside
and grafics

2005/10/6, Gert Brinkmann <>:
> Lars van de Klomp wrote:
> > Lol, I see you're dutch 2.
> Well, no!? Does my english has a dutch touch? Or is it because of the
> Euro? I am from Germany. :)
> > If you want Rockbox support in the future I would go for the iRiver H320.
> Ok. Rockbox support is definitely a feature that weights much.
> > In holland it costs about 280-300 euro.
> It seems the same in Germany.
> > 2) Gapless, almost then but not noticable if you just leave the player
> really not noticable? Did you check with two continueing songs that are
> not faded? I think either it is gapless or you will hear it.
> > If you seriously want to stay under 200 euro you will soon end up with
> > a Ipod mini,
> Ipod is not OGG-able. Also I have heard that the IPods look badly used
> after a short while. (btw I do not understand the hype around the IPod?)
> > other mass storage devices and transfer files (e.g. digital camera's,
> > other Mp3 players or usbsticks)
> This (photo tank) indeed is an interesting feature.
> Ciao,
> Gert

Received on 2005-10-06

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