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Subject: Re: Noise canceling headphones

Re: Noise canceling headphones

From: victor rajewski <>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 10:11:21 +1000

> If you don't mind spending a little extra for the best, consider some
> Etymotics. I have an ER4P and love them. The transducers are tiny
> and are almost un-noticeable. I'm happy with the silicone plugs that
> come with them but if you like, you can have an audiologist make
> custom ear inserts, as for hearing aids.
> These provide at least as much noise isolation as regular plug-type
> hearing protectors. I use them at the range when shooting.

The in-ear-canal type earphones tend to be at least as good at
blocking ambient noise than the 'active' noise cancelling type - they
are a little difficult to fit in your ear at first, and if they don't
sit properly, the noise reduction isn't as good (and bass suffers
drastically). That said, when you do get them in right, woohoo! I've
got a pair of Shure e2c phones (cheapest of their range) and they rock
out - the next ones up (e3c) are meant to be better still (on par with
the etymotics er6). The shure range come with a few types of plugs -
silicon which are really comfy, but for extra isolation, they have
foam plugs - the same stuff that earplugs are made of.

Downside is the price - US$70+ for e2c's... A few others (sony, koss I
think) make in-ear-canal 'phones now for quite a bit cheaper, but
quality suffers as I understand. (Shure made their business making
high quality audio equipment (earphones and mics) for musicians;
etymotics come from the hearing-aid business).

Received on 2005-10-08

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