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Subject: Re: Archos v. Ipods

Re: Archos v. Ipods

From: David Wright <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:36:09 -0600

If rockbox ever gets on the ipod, I think we'd have a lot more blind users
at any rate. For one thing, ipods are a hell of a lot easier to find. For
another thing, Ipods for the most part, have a better user interface. I
personally can't wait for this to happen. Thank you to the rockbox team for
all your efforts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Jones" <>
To: "Rockbox" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Archos v. Ipods

> Let's face it, once Rockbox is on the iPod, we've little reason to
> eBay/Amazon around for obscure pieces of tech. Just wait for a sale at
> the local consumer electrics place. That is certainly a big plus.
> Although I think I'm happy enough with my iRiver until it conks out on
> me, rather than join the continuous, uniform masses of iPod owners.
> Joe
> On 1/14/06, "Frederik Möllers" <> wrote:
>> > Isn't this the Rockbox mailing list?
>> It is, but this is a discussion why somebody would prefer an Archos
>> Jukebox
>> instead of an iPod...
>> > Rockbox on the iPod behaves in an identical way to all the other
>> > Rockbox
>> > targets - no iTunes needed. Just connect the iPod to your computer as
>> > a
>> > USB Mass Storage device and drag and drop files.
>> >
>> > Of course, Rockbox can't play those files yet, but we're getting there.
>> > All help is welcome.
>> Well I didn't even know that there was a Rockbox for the iPod in
>> developement. If that's the case and when it's finished, there are of
>> course
>> less things that speak against the iPod...
>> --
>> "The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
>> (Tom Clancy)
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Received on 2006-01-14

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