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Subject: Re: Variable speed on the Iriver?

Re: Variable speed on the Iriver?

From: Glenn at home <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 18:11:44 -0600

Another feature to this that would be useful, is to set the step rate, like
we can with the fast forward.
I noticed with my Archos, that it took many presses to increase only a
little bit.
Although this fine adjustment is important, I think that for most instances,
we might want the pitch to move in bigger steps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hamish Mackenzie" <>
To: "Rockbox" <>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Variable speed on the Iriver?


Thanks for the info about the speed info not being stored in the cfg file,
that is a shame. I also agree that some sort of reset to normal capability
would be useful as would adding the info to the cfg file if this were

I have been using this function on my H340 and am really enjoying being
able to crank up my speed a bit but was wondering if there is any
possibility that might allow for the maximum speed to be increased because
although I am enjoying what there is now I could still quite happily go
faster than the maximum increase allowed. Many blind people are used to
listening to our screen readers at 100 miles per hour and I would love to be
able to go faster than is now allowed.

Cheers and keep up the good work.


Email or MSN :

Skype : mishu70
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jens Arnold" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: Variable speed on the Iriver?

> On 16.01.2006, Hamish Mackenzie wrote:
>> added shuffle and crossfade. What I want to know is that if on
>> my audio book config file I speed up the playback and then
>> save this as a new config file then theoretically I could
>> switch between the normal speed and a faster one by changing
>> config files thus ensuring I always get it back to normal
>> speed for music playback? Does that sound right?
> This wouldn't work. The playback speed isn't saved in the
> settings. A reboot will reset playback speed to 100%. I agree
> that there should be a "Reset to normal" button in the pitch
> screen.
> What I'm not sure about is whether the pitch screen should be
> voiced (it currently isn't, because this was technically
> impossible on the archos units). Depending on the use the voice
> could be rather disturbingduring playback, e.g. if the pitch
> screen is used for DJing. Opinions?
> Regards, Jens
Received on 2006-01-17

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