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Subject: Re: CS DevKit

Re: CS DevKit

From: Linus Nielsen Feltzing <>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 07:49:45 +0100

Bluechip wrote:
> From what I read, it is possible to compile SDL up under Cygwin, but if
> anyone has done it and packaged it they are hiding somewhere I have not
> yet found them.

While you're at it, consider adding gdb to the package.

There are also a few include files missing, I don't really remember
which ones...

I have to agree with you on the installer. However, I can't really see
the benefit of having to re-download and re-install your "lean and mean"
kit when something is changed in Rockbox, as opposed to doing one
"proper" install once and for all.

Your kit my be small, but since you need to download the entire kit to
update it, you will eventually end up downloading more than the actual
cygwin installation would.

Received on 2006-02-10

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