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Subject: Re: Summary: Buying a rockbox

Re: Summary: Buying a rockbox

From: Neon John <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:06:51 -0500

On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 22:27:13 -0800, PF <> wrote:

>Well, here's what I've learned here:
>If you want an Archos Jukebox, go Ebay (but they're very old)

"Very old"? Only if a couple of years out of production is very old.

>If you want an iRiver, Ebay again: H340 (expensive), IHP-120 (20gb) and
>IHP-140 (40gb) around $250.
>Best bet would be the iPod Color or Nano; not completely ready, but
>readily available, popular, and development is proceeding quickly.

See my other post on this topic. Do you have a large music
collection? Want to have it with you all the time so you can change
your listening as your mood changes? Are your tastes in music very
broad, encompassing multiple genres? An Archos with a 100-120gb drive
is the only way to go. I have a 100gb drive in my daily use machine
and 80gb drives in my backup JBRs. I'd love to have a 120gb drive but
they're still a bit pricey. It's SOOOO nice to have all that material
available. I even carry around some stuff I don't like, for just in
case I need to entertain someone else.

Another benefit of installing a current model large capacity drive is
the reduced power consumption which means longer battery life.

If you view your hard drive player as little more than a "super sized"
CD then the new breed of microscopic players will do. But it you
literally want a jukebox with everything on it that you might want to
listen to, a unit that will accept 2.5" drives is vital. For rockbox,
that means an Archos, preferably a JBR v1.

John De Armond
See my website for my current email address
Cleveland, Occupied TN
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Received on 2006-02-14

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