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Subject: Re: GUI


From: Gabriel Meier <>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 13:55:09 +0100

Am Dienstag, den 07.03.2006, 15:06 +0100 schrieb Jochen Schulz:
> Ok, to finally respond to your proposals, here are some random thoughts:
> - The purpose of the "play music" item is still unclear to me. I think
> the only reasonable action for it would be to just "Resume" from
> where I left. The other possibilities you list could be done via the
> browser.

I wrote about 3 different configurations. The purpose of
1. is to offer some kind of bookmarked folder that contais the music.
Please look for Benjamin Walters yesterdays post, so you will see, some
people would like to have this.
2. this offers the possibility, to change the application, and move ack
to the folder were you came from. I already gave an example for this.
3. if you want the main menu to show up on startup, and still need the
possibility to resume playback, this will be your choice. You already
may resume on startup, but you don't have the possibility yet to choose
with one click, whether to resume or to make some recording, play a
Apart from this, it would be nice to have a menustructure that is ready
for the future. We wouldn't need to change again, if tag support gets
usable. it would be possible, to use this item to open some

> - AFAICS, you forgot to put "Recent Bookmarks" somewhere and I have no
> idea where to put it into the new structure.

Right, this is difficult. Now some idea comes to my mind, not mature
yet, but it could be possible to add this A-B menu to each menu item.
One of those choices is offered by default, the others could be accessed
through this menu. This would mean, you select "play music", press A-B
and have the choice between
- go to folder
- resume playing
- go were I left
- (show tag database)
- show recent bookmarks
Received on 2006-03-08

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