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Subject: RE: rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 39

RE: rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 39

From: Barrett, Don <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:33:53 -0500

Actually, the voicing didn't work in the 3/17/2006 build but I am told
that it should work in today's build???

Don Barrett
Section 508 Coordinator
U.S. Department of Education

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Will Robertson
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 3:24 AM
To: Rockbox
Subject: Re: rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 39

Hi there.
If you install rockbox on the iPod, it would completely replace the
existing software on it, meaning that the menu's would be completely
different to what they are at the moment for you.
On the plus side for blind users as I'm sure you are aware rockbox is
able to speak the menu's to you - a feature which has recently been made
to work on iPods as well.
In terms of video, rockbox doesn't currently support any video on any
newer MP3 players, but as a blind user I can't imagine any benefit you
would have anyway - and the same goes for games.
Rockbox on the iPod has come a long way, and is almost at the stage
where it is completely useable with no crashes or any erratic behaviour.

I hope this answers your question,

On 3/20/06, Alex Gibbons < > wrote:

        Hi there, I am a blinduser who is completey confused about the
software on
        the ipod video I would like to know what is going on and how
well the
        software works with the atual menus on the ipod video, and how
they interact
        with the video side and games side I do not want to fork out a
good sum of
        money on a 60g ipod until I know it all works if anyone on the
message bord
        could get back to me asp that would be great
        Alex gibbons
Received on 2006-03-20

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