Rockbox mailing lists
- 320kbps MP3 'noisy'
- 32Gb NAND flash 'disk replacement' from samsung
- 5G iPod recording?
- [patch] not safe to pass NULL to dlclose()
- A Devcon 2006 Story
- any more info on the h10?
- Archos HD Upgrade
- Archos Recorder V1 Volume
- Archos Recording Volume
- Archos Studio
- battery discharging wierdness & charging questions
- battery monitoring on ipod nano
- Bookmarking
- bookmarks on the Ipod video
- Buying a new player
- Changing the batteries on my Archos
- Comparison
- crash on an iriver
- Daily Built doesn't work on H340 with speech
- developer's conference
- Dissappearing Archos mod docs?
- error when playing on the ipod
- external battery pack with iriver
- File manager, Nice to have...
- Finding a 2.5x HD
- firmware patcher not working for me
- firmware patcher problem solved for now!
- Flyspray messages
- Generic questions
- Gentlemen, we have *PCM* sound - on Archos!
- German manual for the iRiver H300-serie
- h300 us version
- H340 Questons
- Help
- Hopefully not a dumb question...
- iaudio x5
- iAudio X5 Bootloader installation
- ihp 120 - battery dead
- IHP-140 (H140) vs H340
- in a jam
- installing jukebox recorder into a car?
- ipod on rock box
- IPOD Port
- ipod rockbox justification (was: rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 43)
- Ipod video for the blind
- Ipod Video is Talking
- Ipod Video Questions
- iriver h10
- iRiver h320 and h340
- iriver h340
- Iriver h340, would someone from Germany or Austria help?
- iriver on ebay
- iriver strange problems continue
- irivers from foneplanet
- Is daily build self sufficient?
- Just a verification about hard drive replacement
- Ladies and gentlemen, we have SOUND!
- Latest clock update
- Learing, how to help on Rockbox
- Loss of speech following update
- Manuals manuals and more manuals
- Mention the "mostly working" targets on the front page?
- Minor problem when Building Rockbox for JBR1
- No image background anymore on JBR
- No surprise
- non-working link on rockbox site
- OS X Compilation errors for iPod
- Please Clarify
- Problem with Archos Jukebox buttons
- Problem with iRiver H300
- Question about play FM in Stereo on my iRiver H340
- random Iriver questions
- Recommendations for player/recorder
- Recording with external Mic
- rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 39
- rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 43
- rockbox for what archosjukboxes?
- Rockbox working with Klipsch iFi system?
- save directory in config file?
- SPDIF digital out on JBR?
- SPDIF digital out on JBRV2?
- Speaking unlabelt menus
- strange "bug" with H340
- Successful hard disk upgrade to Archos Recorder
- Two (short) thougths on GUI
- Unofficial Rockbox 2.5.1 for Archos Recorder V1
- Unofficial Rockbox 2.5.1 for Archos Recorders and Player
- updating firmware on H340
- upgrade hard disk of iAudio X5L
- Upgrading the firmware on an iRiver H140
- USB on the Ipod
- voice files for rockbox
- Voicing debug menu and time on h340
- Voicing Menus on Ipod
- voicing on ipods
- work around for voice UI crash after recording screen
- Wrong cvs import of em84xx
- yay! and yet another question