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Subject: Re: ian and his v1.04US h300

Re: ian and his v1.04US h300

From: ian douglas <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:03:56 -0700

Linus Nielsen Feltzing wrote:
> What happens if you hold Play and insert the power cable?

If I hold the on/play button while inserting the power cable and then
immediately let go of the play button, it boots the iRiver firmware.

Root directory of my player looks like this:

/media/H300 $ ls -la
-rwx------ 1 id id 51216 2006-04-03 10:43 bootloader-h300.bin
drwx------ 2 id id 16384 2006-04-03 15:00 files
drwx------ 5 id id 16384 2006-04-03 11:59 games
-rwx------ 1 id id 4189157 2006-04-03 12:30 H300.hex
-rwx------ 1 id id 2174205 2006-04-03 12:27 H300(kr)
-rwx------ 1 id id 2324463 2006-04-03 10:31 H300(us)_V104(MTP).zip
drwx------ 26 id id 16384 2006-04-03 14:58 music
drwx------ 13 id id 16384 2006-04-02 21:21 .rockbox
-rwx------ 1 id id 6804864 2006-04-03 11:21
-rwx------ 1 id id 2194299 2006-04-03 11:20
-rwx------ 1 id id 2192403 2006-04-03 10:38
-rwx------ 1 id id 2605526 2006-04-03 11:59
-rwx------ 1 id id 320508 2006-04-02 21:18 rockbox.iriver

the h300.hex file there is the descrambled-mkboot-scrambled 1.29 korean
firmware, and the md5sum on that file matches the web site.

The .rockbox directory and everything in it seems to be dated at roughly
9:20pm Pacific time April 02, 2006, which is well into April 03 when
factoring the 8 hour time difference between California and UTC.

Received on 2006-04-04

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