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Subject: Re: which player to buy?

Re: which player to buy?

From: Pieter Bos <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 13:01:59 +0200

Oh, there's the archos gmini 402 and the 500. I tried my brother's 400, and it records very well :) And someone already found out how to run software on it, so if i happen to suddenly have loads of time an attempt to porting rockbox is definately possible too...

  "Pieter Bos" <> wrote in message news:e12m0p$j2v$
  Ok, thanks for the information. But does or will it have a peak meter and gain controls? I can't find it on their site and i wouldn't know if their hardware could support it with rockbox - guess it completely depends on what hardware they used. Without a gain control, it's quite useless...

  I did find some USB recorder that stores to any usb storage device, the gemini iKey. It's as expensive as an MD recorder, big, heavy and still doesn't have a built in preamp...

  So, i think there still isn't anything on the market that works as well for about the same price as the old archos or iriver products?... Apart from those m-audio and edirol products, which seem great, but also far too expensive for my purpose. I could buy a HI-MD recorder and a hd mp3 player for that money and then i wouldn't have to deal with very expensive flash memory..


    "Rianu" <> wrote in message
    The x5 has a built-in micro, and a line-in. line-in,-out, power and usb need a small adapter that comes with the player, but is easy to use. or you go and fetch a docking station (i'd recommend that for any stationary recordings).


    Manuel Dejonghe schrieb:
On 4/5/06, Pieter Bos <> wrote:
  The second hand one might be an option, but i prefer a HD recorder, if
possible. That site lists the ipods as an option, though apparently you'll
have to solder a connector yourself for it to work? Does anyone know if the
IAudio X5 has a connector bundled, cause it seems to need some dock
connector as well? The iaudio X5 seems quite expensive though and the
irivers are no longer for sale. I haven't found other devices that work with
an external mic with a peak meter and gain setting. Does anyone know if the
IAudio has this, or will support it in the future with rockbox?
Connector ?
The ipod have recording with external devices that are not yet supported.
The x5 is known to have a line-in, so I guess your small portable
preamp would go there simply.


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Received on 2006-04-06

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