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Subject: Re: Anti-skip buffer question

Re: Anti-skip buffer question

From: Jens Arnold <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 02:40:41 +0200

On 27.04.2006, Brandon Low wrote:

> In normal conditions, you want the anti-skip buffer fairly
> small, about 2x the length of time that the HDD takes to spin
> up to ensure that the file buffer never runs empty during
> normal playback.

Hmm, the behaviour of the anti-skip buffer is still not quite
correct on the swcodec targets.

The anti-skip buffer is meant to be an *additional* buffer
margin for when the unit receives some bumping while rebuffering.

On archos it's implemeted like this. The standard low watermark
is calculated from the spinup time (using a safe default if not
yet available) plus a minimal margin, and the bitrate. The
anti-skip buffer is added to that, and it's possible to set it
to zero without causing skipping.

The swcodec implementation should be fixed, imho.

Regards, Jens
Received on 2006-04-28

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