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Subject: Re: Does rockbox run better on X5 or Ipod?

Re: Does rockbox run better on X5 or Ipod?

From: Michael E. DiFebbo <>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 19:57 -0400

Rockbox is slightly more mature on the iPod right now, but I think that you
can count on it being developed in the relatively near future to run well
on both platforms.

Rockbox is supported on several iPod platforms including the 4g, the 5g,
and the Nano.

I haven't used the X5, but based on my experience with Rockbox on the
iriver H100 and on the iPod, I suspect that blind users would find the
joystick on X5 easier to use than the clickwheel on the iPod.

Michael E. DiFebbo

...... Original Message .......
On Sun, 21 May 2006 17:21:52 -0600 "Tai Schmittroth" <>
>I am wondering which player runs rockbox better, the Ipod or the iAudio
X5? Do the 60 GB Ipods work with rockbox, or is it only the small-capacity
video Ipods that work with it? Which player has the most working features
under rockbox? Which is the most responsive? Do all features of the X5 work
under rockbox? What are the limitations of these two players under rockbox?
I am trying to decide which to buy and I am unsure. I have read general
reviews on both and I prefer the X5 due to better sound quality, but I am
blind and need to use rockbox.
Received on 2006-05-22

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