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Subject: Re: podcast synchronization script

Re: podcast synchronization script

From: Jacob Rau <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 08:39:33 -0400

I think that in a perfect world, the aggregator would deal with this. I'm
working on an aggregator myself in Visual Basic 6, but at this moment I'm
only working on the XML-parsing module, as this is, quite obviously, the
heart of an aggregator. That and the download engine...I will keep working
on this on and off, but I don't honestly know when (or if) it will be
usable, as it's a hobby project.

Shortly, I will create a project on if I make any huge
progress on it.

It looks like your script would be pretty useful, but I use Windows still
and it looks like your script would require major surgery to get it to run
under XP. The feature that I covet is the recursive directory function...I
still don't have a good way of doing this. I'll have to google around and
see what I get.

Thanks for GPL'ing it :-)


On 8/1/06, Matthew Caron <> wrote:
> Attached is a short perl script that, while still a little rough around
> the edges, allows you to synchronize a given directory hierarchy of
> podcasts with another directory (such as a USB Mass Storage Device type
> player), while maintaining a history of what has been put there in the
> past. License is GPLv2 and feedback is welcome.
> Assume:
> (1) The user gets podcasts via a podcast aggregator
> (2) These podcasts are put in a directory $source_dir (in the script,
> edit and change as necessary)
> (3) The user wants to listen to them on his player, and deletes them
> when done (either via player or computer. This script doesn't care,
> because it doesn't assume anything about the state of the player)
> (4) The user does not want already uploaded podcasts uploaded again (as
> would happen with conventional sync tools when deleted on the target)
> Logic:
> - Scan the log file ($source_dir/sync_podcasts.log) and get the stuff
> that has been uploaded. Read it into a hash for fast access.
> - Recurse through all files and subdirectories below $source_dir
> - If the target directory isn't there, make it.
> - If a file is not in the log file, copy it to the player and add it to
> the log file.
> Notes:
> - The first time the script is run, it assumes that you have nothing
> that needs to go on the player and merely generates the log file from
> the existing directory structure. To circumvent this behavior, create an
> empty sync_podcast.log file in the directory to which $source_dir points.
> - Generate .m3u playlist for each directory in $target_dir
> Known bugs / Issues:
> - Untested on anything other than Ubuntu Linux. Should work on most
> Linux distros. Your mileage might vary on anything else.
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> PGP Key:
> ~~ Matt Caron ~~
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> ####################################################
> #
> # sync_podcast - synchronize podcasts to USB Mass Storage Device type
> # players
> # Copyright (C) 2006 Matthew Caron <>
> #
> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
> # published by the Free Software Foundation.
> #
> # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> # GNU General Public License for more details.
> #
> # Full license at:
> #
> ####################################################
> use strict;
> use File::Find;
> use File::Path;
> use File::Copy;
> ## Constants
> my $source_dir = "/pub/matt/podcasts";
> my $podcast_log_file = "sync_podcasts.log";
> my $target_dir = "/media/ipod/podcasts";
> my $initialize = 0;
> ## Derived constants
> my $podcast_log = $source_dir . "/" . $podcast_log_file;
> my %uploaded_files;
> # Read in logfile and store file path and name in hash.
> if(-e $podcast_log)
> {
> open(LOGFILE, $podcast_log);
> while(<LOGFILE>)
> {
> chomp($_);
> $uploaded_files{$_} = 1;
> }
> close(LOGFILE);
> }
> else
> {
> # logfile doesn't exist - assume initialization mode
> $initialize = 1;
> print "Initializing logile...\n";
> }
> # Recurse through directory and find each file there
> find(\&copy_stuff, ($source_dir));
> # Recurse through and build playlists for each directory
> # find(\&build_playlists, ($source_dir));
> # cd (dir) - \ls `pwd`/* > dir.m3u
> # Spaces are a problem...
> # Make sure to remove playlist ahead of time
> sub copy_stuff
> {
> # file name
> my $filename = $_;
> # source directory
> my $dirname = $File::Find::dir;
> # source dir + file name
> my $fullpath = $File::Find::name;
> # If what we got isn't a directory, do something
> # And it's not the log file
> if(!-d $fullpath && $filename ne $podcast_log_file)
> {
> # get name of dir in isolation
> my $source_dirname = $dirname;
> $source_dirname =~ s/$source_dir//;
> # target dir
> my $destination_path = $target_dir . "/" . $source_dirname;
> # target dir + file name
> my $destination_path_file = $destination_path . "/" . $filename;
> # make sure this hasn't been uploaded...
> if(!defined $uploaded_files{$fullpath})
> {
> if(!$initialize)
> {
> # Put file on the music device, maintaining directory
> # structure..
> # make directory if it doesn't exist
> if(!-d $destination_path)
> {
> print "\n\nMaking directory $destination_path...\n\n";
> mkpath($destination_path) ||
> die "Cannot mkpath $destination_path: $!";
> }
> print "$fullpath => $destination_path_file\n";
> # copy file to that directory
> copy($fullpath, $destination_path_file) ||
> die "Cannot copy $fullpath to $destination_path_file:
> $!";
> }
> # Log that you did it
> open(LOGFILE, ">>$podcast_log");
> print LOGFILE $fullpath . "\n";
> close(LOGFILE);
> }
> } # else, ignore directory
> }
Received on 2006-08-02

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