Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Make voices scriptRe: Make voices script
From: ScottLearned <SLearned_at_cox.net>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 13:14:47 -0700 Hamish Mackenzie wrote: Hi All I have now managed to make voice files using the Australian scansoft TTS but have one further question. Is there somewhere in the script that controls the speed and volume of the clips that are made as I cant seem to find it. I know there is a place to change the speed in the speech area of the control panel and if this in turn changes the speed of the voice then that sorts out one problem but where do I adjust the volume? I know this can be achieved by modifying the script in the other vbs file that is used to voice folder and file names but I cant seem to find it in the script to create the english.voice file. thanks as always Hamish Hi Hamish, Yes, speed of the voice file is changed in the control panel under speech. If you want to change the volume, you would change it in the makevoices.vbs script. snip-snip Scale the input volume by <factor. The factor 0.6 is recommended. Higher values make the voice UI louder, lower values make it more quiet. Don't use values1, or the voice will probably get distorted. For instance, I changed the volume to 07 for my VF. MakeVoiceFile "english", "ScanSoft Karen_Full_22kHz", SPSF_22kHz16BitMono, 190, "-V 5 -B 64 --resample 22 --scale 0.7 --vbr-new -t -S" You can find out more about building and tweaking voice files at: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceBuilding HtH Scott Received on 2006-10-16 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |