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Subject: Re: Which player would you buy today?

Re: Which player would you buy today?

From: Glenn at home <>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:31:38 -0600

Hello André,
I would recommend the iRiver 140 model. I think the only noticeable
differences between the 1X models and the 3X models are the items you wrote
that you don't care about, and of course, the price.
The iRiver's H120 model holds 20 GB and the H140 holds 40 GB.
I have 2 IHP120 models, and wish I had 2 IHP140 models, as limited storage
is the only thing keeping them from being everything I would want in an MP3


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andre Allavena" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:20 AM
Subject: Which player would you buy today?

Dear all,

I'm looking into buying an Ogg/Mpg3 player, and I want it to be a
Rockbox player (I much prefer running Floss software).

I saw a thread here dating in March asking for the best player to buy to
run RockBox. I'm asking for the same question (the answer at the time
was either the iriver H340, not available new anymore as far as I could tell
and the iaudio X5).

Important for me:

    * large disk (>20GB)
    * usable as a portable hard disk drive
    * fully supported by Rockbox
    * good audio quality (will be listening to classical music)
    * available either in Europe or in North America

Nice to have

    * No need for extra conectors for connection as hard drive.
    * Recording (with, or without, microphone).

Not important:

    * FM
    * Video

Thanks for your help
Received on 2006-10-29

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