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Subject: RE: Voice building

RE: Voice building

From: Grant Hardy <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 15:02:39 -0800

> 2. Some SAPI4 DLL files are not correctly registered with Windows.
> Solution:
> Open the Run dialog (Windows key+R) and type the following command:
> cmd /c for %a in (%systemroot%\speech\*.dll) do regsvr32 %a /s
This turned out to be the problem, thanks. Unfortunately now though, when I
run MakeVoices.Vbs I get the following error:
Windows Script Host
Script: C:\VOICE\makevoices.vbs
Line: 263
Char: 5
Error: File not found
Code: 800A0035
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error

All the files I think should be there (lame, voicefont, English.lang, the
voice pause file...) are there. Could you maybe send me a zip of the folder
you used to generate your Reed voice file? I'd love to be able to
contribute voice files in the future. Thanks.

Received on 2006-11-12

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