Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: X5 USB questionRe: X5 USB question
From: Ray Lambert <codemonkey_at_interthingy.net>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 23:29:12 -0500 Brandon asked: > Does one absolutely have to use the subpack for USB after Rockbox is > installed, or can the USB on the side work as well? I realize that the one > on the side is the OTG, but I'm wondering if it also handles data > transfers from Windows. James Dean responded: > No. The one on the side is a host port only. (It can only receive data) and > that is for something like a camera. So, the only way you can get it to show > up in windows is to use the sub pack to plug it in to the computer. I own > one of these players myself and have no complaints about it with rockbox > except to say that I can't get it to record and can't figure out why not. > That's actually not true. If you're running the cowon fw, the usb port on the side does work to xfer files as well. I haven't tried it on Winblows, but it works on Linux and I would presume it works on Winblows as well. It does not work, however, if you're running rockbox. I suppose it would be nice to have this but, seeing as you need the darn subpack anyway just to charge the thing, it still won't save you from having to carry the subpack around with you; so it may not be worth the effort. I love the X5 but the subpack really sucks. I think it's a seriously ill-conceived configuration. I would have rather they made the X5 a little larger and done away with the subpack entirely. Speaking of the subpack, I keep meaning to inquire about this but keep forgetting: has anyone discovered if it's possible to obtain replacement subpacks? It seems like a very easy thing to break and/or lose. (Perhaps this is cowon's version of designed-in obsolescence?) It might be a good idea to grab a couple of replacements to keep on hand for a rainy day... ~ray -- In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?Received on 2006-11-22 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |