Rockbox mail archiveSubject: SAPI4 and SAPI5 voicesSAPI4 and SAPI5 voices
From: daniel dalton <daniel.dalton47_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:19:23 +1100 Hi I downloaded the ListVoices_SAPI4.vbs script and the ListVoices.vbs script. Then I ran a command prompt and changed to the folder I had these two files in. Then I typed the following. Cscript ListVoices.vbs This seem to give me the name of the 3 SAPI 5 voices on my system. Then I tried to find out the names of the SAPI 4 voices that I had on my system and to do this I typed the following. Cscript ListVoices_SAPI4.vbs I also tried typing Cscript.exe ListVoices_SAPI4.vbs But they both came up with an error. Does this mean I have no SAPI4 voices installed. Because the SAPI5 script seemed to work. All help greatly appreciated. Cheers Daniel Email <mailto:Daniel.dalton47_at_gmail.com> Daniel.dalton47_at_gmail.com msn <mailto:Daniel_richmond_22_at_hotmail.com> Daniel_richmond_22_at_hotmail.com skype daniel_3680. If you add me to skype or msn please send me an email telling me who you are. Received on 2006-12-17 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |