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Subject: Re: SAPI 4 voices

Re: SAPI 4 voices

From: Hamish Mackenzie <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 18:08:28 +1100

Hi Peter

Where would I put that line into the script and also how can i find out the
range for the real speak voices. Oh yes and one other thing is that line in
a newer version of the script as I am running a pretty old one?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Herngaard" <>
To: "Rockbox" <>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: SAPI 4 voices

> Hello Hamish
> Yes, you should be able to change the TTS SAPI5 speed from within
> makevoices.vbs.
> ---
> ospvoice.rate = (integer value between 0 and the highest allowable value
> defined by the speech engine)
> ---
> Best Wishes,
> Peter Herngaard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hamish Mackenzie" <>
> To: "Rockbox" <>
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 8:14 AM
> Subject: Re: SAPI 4 voices
>> Does the make voices vbs script also have the ability to change the tts
>> speed from within the script for msapi 5 as well before I go out and look
>> for it?
>> Cheers
>> Hamish
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "James Teh" <>
>> To: "Rockbox" <>
>> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: SAPI 4 voices
>>> daniel dalton wrote:
>>>> 1 When I am using the makevoices.vbs script how do I adjust the speed
>>>> of my SAPI4 voice that I am using to make my english.voice file?
>>> If you download the latest version of makevoices.vbs from the
>>> VoiceBuilding wiki page, search for the text:
>>> tts.speed
>>> If you uncomment that line, you can change the number as required.
>>>> 3 How do I change the speed of my english.voice file which I create
>>>> using the makevoices.vbs script?
>>> Err... wasn't that question 1?
>>>> 4 I want the quick menu to talk on my ipod so is there somewhere in the
>>>> english.lang file that I can edit so the quick menu will talk once I
>>>> have made my voice file using the makevoices.vbs script?
>>> First, you have to edit the lang file before making the voice file if
>>> you are going to edit it at all. Second, there is currently no way to
>>> make the quick menu speak. This is something that needs to be
>>> implemented in the Rockbox code. I had a look at this a while ago and it
>>> seems that making that menu speak could be a bit complicated at best.
>>> Jamie
>>> --
>>> James Teh
>>> Email:
>>> WWW:
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Jabber:
>>> Yahoo: jcs_teh
Received on 2006-12-19

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