Rockbox mailing lists
- [System Resources] Replaygain, Crossfeed, EQ
- AAC Implementations
- An old new experience
- Archos AJBR10 and car kit for sale
- Archos Recorder V1 - Recordings Clipping
- Blind IPod user needs help
- Blind IPod user needs help w/ installation
- Blind User has iPod Questions
- Blind user has Rock Box Questions
- Blind Zune user needs help!
- Creative Zen Microphoto firmware?
- Customized player as a bithday gift
- daily build for iAudio X5?
- Daily builds
- erratic behavior of click wheel
- Flash based player/recorders?
- flashing files available
- fm tuner and recorder on h10
- Free Zune for devels
- Free Zune for devels - translation
- Gapless Playback (was: Which iPod?)
- Getting Wiki write permissions
- Gigabeat Bootloader
- Got it!!!
- Hello everyone.
- Hello intro
- Help Installing rockbox
- Hi I'm New
- Hi, I'm New
- Hmanager
- iaudio and recording
- Iaudio question
- IAudio X5 Recording Problem
- iAudio X5... never mind
- IBM text to speech
- idv3 database / cache
- Installing Rockbox w/ ITunes
- Interesting problem w/ install
- Intermittent channel reversal on the Nano
- intro and quick question
- iPod 5G Video 60GB
- ipod 5th generation.
- iPod Battery Life
- iPod differences
- Ipod information
- Ipod Mini & Rockbox
- Ipod shuffle.
- iPod: USB / Charger detection ?
- iriver 320 Rockbox bookmark problem
- Iriver H140 refuses to record
- Iriver h320 for sale
- Iriver H320 wma files
- Iriver H340 and Audible
- lang files
- MakeVoices.vbs
- making an english voice file
- making progress but still need help
- More on Recording problem
- MS Mary
- nano 8 gb
- New apple 100 GB iPod
- New Daily Build ... preserve existing config
- Patching troubles
- Physical Access
- Player choices
- podcast question / video question
- recording on the IAudio
- Recording strangeness on Irivers
- renaming file on ipod 4th generation
- Resetting H320
- Rock box is the best shit ever
- Rock box is the best stuff ever
- rockbox > 137gb file required.
- rockbox Digest, Vol 16, Issue 15
- rockbox Digest, Vol 16, Issue 45
- Rockbox Gone Crazy
- Sandisk Sansa E200
- Sansa
- SAPI 4 voices
- SAPI4 and SAPI5 voices
- shuffling music from multiple folders
- Site problems
- Stylishness of Rockbox GUI
- sum help nee did,
- sum help needid,
- to owners of 160 GB disks (and up), here's howto fully use it
- Toshiba Gigabeat has sound
- two questions about Archos Recorder v1
- Update on my Rockbox Instalation
- Updated Norwegian language file
- victory!
- voicebox
- VoiceBox Script
- Web site down
- Which iPod?
- Which iPod? iAudio x5?
- Which iPod? iAudio x5? Size comparison
- Which iPod? iAudio x5?"
- Why Is This So?
- With Gratitude
- X5 Battery
- X5 USB question
- Zune