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Subject: Re: Email ettiquette (was RE: windows won't detect my ipod)

Re: Email ettiquette (was RE: windows won't detect my ipod)

From: Tyler Wood <>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2007 20:38:08 -0600

I was waiting for someone to say that. Thanks for pointing that out. Not to
mention, those of us with screen readers have a hard time...(using the aro
keys to scroll down, etc). But, again, its not personal- but try and keep
that in mind.


Have a good day
- Tyler Wood

Tyler Wood
skype: the_conman283
msn/windows messinger:
best tv guide on the internet:
best internet radio:
soon to have a live journal!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Holden" <>
To: "Rockbox" <>
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 7:09 PM
Subject: Email ettiquette (was RE: windows won't detect my ipod)
> daniel dalton wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Sean Mealin
>> Sent: Saturday, 3 March 2007 8:48 AM
>> To: 'Rockbox'
>> Subject: RE: windows won't detect my ipod
>> Hy;
>> If you have IToons, look for a checkbox in there that says diskmode, or
>> something like that.
>> Hi
>> I checked that box when I installed rockbox. Also when I plug the ipod
>> into the computer itunes, ipod updater and windows explorer don't
>> recognise it at all.
>> I can't even get in to disc mode.
>> Does anyone have any ideas on what I could try.
>> Cheers
>> Daniel.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On
>> Behalf Of daniel dalton
>> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 5:52 AM
>> To: 'Rockbox'
>> Subject: RE: windows won't detect my ipod
>> Hi
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Matthew Caron
>> Sent: Monday, 26 February 2007 12:48 AM
>> To: Rockbox
>> Subject: Re: windows won't detect my ipod
>>> As far as I can tell, you still haven't properly followed the
>> procedure
>>> for putting the iPod into disk mode.  You should do that before you
>> try
>>> anything further.
>> I have tried flicking the hold switch on then off. Then I tried holding
>> menu and select down for 2 3 4 5 and 6 secconds. I then pressed select
>> and play. I tried 2 3 4 5 and 6 seconds with separate resets. So I tried
>> each one with the flicking of the hold switch and then after select and
>> menu I did play and select together. However the ipod wouldn't go in to
>> disc mode. I also flicked the hold switch on then off and then pressed
>> select and menu and waited for the ipod to reboot and then I did play
>> and select together but it still didn't reset.
>> Does anyone have any more ideas on what I could try.
>> Cheers
>> Daniel
> Please can people learn how to use the reply options in their email
> programs of choice, and to separate their contribution from those of
> previous posters.
> So many times, people put their reply in with the previous text they are
> quoting, and it becomes impossible to tell what is quoted and what is new
> text.
> I know it's slightly poor etiquette to quote the entire message, but I
> have done it this time to illustrate the point I am making.
> In this case, we can't really see which bits Daniel has written himself,
> and which bits are quotes from previous messages from Matthew at least one
> other unnamed person whio also appears to have contributed to the text in
> the email.
> Sorry to pick on you Daniel, it isn't personal ( :-) ), but I see so many
> of these kind of posts, and it takes so much longer to figure out who said
> what, and in what order.
> -- 
> Mike Holden
Received on 2007-03-03

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