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Subject: Re: what's my current version?

Re: what's my current version?

From: Barry Wardell <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:58:55 +0100

HI Paul,
If the version of Rockbox you have installed is fairly recent. there
will be a file inside the .rockbox folder called rockbox-info.txt.
That has some information about the build you have installed. On about
the seventh line down, it has the version.

The most recent and recommended builds to use are on this page:
There is a large build table before the links to download rockbox for
your device. That page could be quite difficult to navigate with a
screen reader, so here is a direct link to the most recent Rockbox
version for your iAudio:


On 5/17/07, Paul Erkens <> wrote:
> Hi list,
> If you have the rockbox voice menus enabled, you will find that if, from the
> main menu, you go into system and then into version, the voice will say:
> version screen do not speak". I am blind, and other than this voice, I
> obviously cannot get feedback from the player's display screen. And indeed
> as the voice announces, the version screen won't be read.
> So I'm wondering: is there another way to check the current version number
> of rockbox on my player? I still have the installation files on my pc, and I
> can also browse the unit by U S B. Any ideas as to how I can find that
> number?
> Second: the rockbox site is not very accessible, in that it is hard to read
> for people using screen readers to access their pc screen information. On
> what page (link) on the rockbox site do I find out, wether the current build
> for my unit on the site is newer than what I am using now? I have a Cowon
> IAudio, x5.
> Best regards,
> Paul.
Received on 2007-05-18

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