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Subject: Re: Voice creation

Re: Voice creation

From: Rocker <>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 16:41:13 -0600

Paul wrote:

This change has been discussed for a considerable period of time in the
IRC channel, which is fully open and available to the public. As well it
has existed as a patch on the tracker.

**True! Since most of the users use this list to communicate rockbox
related issues I would like to suggest that some advance notice of
significant changes be posted to the users list.

There are many reasons for this change (smaller individual voice files,
the ability to add more voices strings to the voice files on certain
players without removing their ability to have voice, the future option
to use different codecs such as speex for voice on players where this is
feasible.) It was done for a variety of technical benefits.

**Great! Bring on more voice functionality!!

In all honesty, if you're updating daily you should expect things to
break from time to time when you're using software that is not a release
version. This wasn't "thrust upon" anyone. The software is
in-development, and you're using development versions. It's not a
commercial product, and nobody is forcing you to continue to update with
development changes. It's quite reasonable to expect that if and when
the next release version comes about there will either be an easy way
for users to generate voice specifically for the release, or a wide
range of voice files synced to the release version for each target.

Personally, I like the daily voice builds idea. I'm sure most users will as
well. However, I have always appreciated the efforts of those individuals
like Armond, Onge, Steve and Scott, to name a few who have taken the time to
provide voices to those users who are not so technical. namely myself LOL!
Thanks people! Even thogh rockbox is not commercial, we all feel part of
the community and like to contribute where we can. Even though most of us
are not Devs! I just throw money at the project myself which I believe does
help with new targets, conferences etc, etc.

Just my two drum sticks worth...rocker
Received on 2007-08-09

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