Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Voice creationRe: Voice creation
From: Woody Anna Dresner <wadresner_at_hawaiiantel.net>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:48:07 -1000 Hi all, I have been using Andre's voices for months, and have really appreciated them. They have always been current (often more current than those on the Rockbox site) and there has been a nice variety to choose from. He has been providing a valuable resource to the community that I know a lot of people have used and appreciated. While I'm sure the developers involved have good reasons for what they've done, it feels from my perspective as a not extremely technical user as though a major change has been made, without warning or explanation, and has left Andre incapable of creating voices and me and others without a means for getting current voices, locking those who use the voice out of current Rockbox builds. I felt similarly when the menu structure was changed in March. When such a major change is contemplated in the future, it would be really helpful if some mention and explanation could be posted to this list ahead of time, so at least everyone would know something big was coming. Not all of us read the changelog constantly, and even when I looked at it just now, it didn't say where one could get target-specific voice files or learn how to make voice files under the new system. A bit more information on the list and relevant links in the changelog would really be helpful. Thanks. I really appreciate what the devs are doing - it's just nice to have the information needed to roll with the changes. Regards, Anna Received on 2007-08-09 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |