Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Kind of a rant on the rules, plus many thanks!Kind of a rant on the rules, plus many thanks!
From: Ed Nickl <pioneer4x4_at_comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 15:40:23 -0400 First, the important part at the top. Thank you to everyone that helps others! Thank you to everyone that contributes to the creation of Rockbox, I LOVE it, and it is the reason I bought my Toshiba Gigabeat. I would love to contribute myself, but I am not skilled in that type of programming, and I really appreciate those that are. Now the rant part. From now on, I will try and not include ANY of a previous post. That way I won't be replying incorrectly. As for following rules, I am all for it. I will have to look up the "Rules" again and see for myself. I honestly haven't read them since I 'assumed' they were typical to most email lists. I ALWAYS top post, but have found from other's emails that apparently this list requires bottom posting, OK, whatever, I acknowledge that, if I agree or not. Most of the email lists I am on have rules pertaining to content, not posting position, and flaming and so forth. I actually find most of this funny/entertaining, and I am surprised that some people don't have more pride... What really irks me is people that aren't polite. I don't plan on leaving this list, (unless banned...) As for this list not being created for assisting blind Rockbox users, it seems that about ½ of the posts or more pertain to directly or indirectly assisting someone with an issue that is for setup or usage for a blind person. I think it is only polite to consider how they read email. I know I would hate to listen to an entire post just to get to the new part. Received on 2007-08-26 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |