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Subject: synchronizing time

synchronizing time

From: victor rajewski <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 14:50:02 +1000

Looking through the archives, I saw a plugin that syncs the time when
the device is plugged in to a computer. It seems to be a bit old, and
I think there's a better way:
1) The device has to be on to start with. The USB is plugged in, and
the device notices this and makes a file indicating the time the
connection was made with respect to the device's clock
2) When the computer (either via an automatically run script such as
autorun in windows or via HAL in linux) notices the device has been
plugged in immediately writes a file to indicate when the connection
was made with respect to the computer's clock.
3) When the device resumes normal operation, it works out the time
difference and its own clock accordingly.

This should be possible with at least the H300 as one can override
going into usb mode by holding record when plugging in.

If a really accurate clock was required there could be a configurable
option to specify the expected difference between plugging in and the
computer writing the file, but in practice this will rarely be more
than a minute, which should be OK for most people.

Your thoughts?

Received on 2007-09-23

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