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Subject: Re: problem with menus being voiced in rockbox

Re: problem with menus being voiced in rockbox

From: Rocker <>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 18:32:14 -0600

On Monday, October 01, 2007 5:03 PM Vinney wrote:
Subject: problem with menus being voiced in rockbox

I'm using a IRiver 120 and rockbox voices the folders and the files on the
player. But when I try to look at the rockbox settings like:
general settings, sound settings and rockbox info. It doesn't voice. I
think I have everything set up correctly. I've been using rockbox on this
player for a while and it was working fine. Then all of a sudden it started
having this issue. I downloaded a newer build and still "no joy".

**ou need to grab a daily voice build from:

You could also try building your own voice file using CIGWIN.

You can find out more about this using the following helpful tutorial
provided by Sean...rocker:

Here is the Cygwin tutorial:


This tutorial explains how to install Cygwin, setting up Cygwin to build
rockbox, building Rockbox from source and building a voice file. I used Jaws
Windows version 8.0, but this tutorial is screen reader independent. In
order to do this tutorial, your computer skills must be medium or better;
you will
need to use your Jaws curser (or your screen reader's equivalent) a lot. You
will need an internet connection.

Getting and Installing Cygwin:

list of 1 items
1. Get the Cygwin setup file at
 and save it to your desktop.
list end

2. Press <enter> on the setup file, and press <enter> on "Run".

3. Press <alt+N> to move to the next screen.

4. Make sure the "Install from Internet (downloaded files will be kept for
future re-use)" Radio button is selected, and hit <Alt+N>.

5a. Type in the directory where you want Cygwin to be installed; default is
"C:\cygwin" witch I am keeping.

5b. Press <tab> twice and decide if you want to install for all the users on
the computer, or if you want to only install for the current user.

5c. Press <tab> and make sure the "Unix / binary (RECOMMENDED)" radio button
is selected for "Default Text File Type". Press <Alt+N>.

6. Type in where you want your Local Package Directory to be; I set mine to
"C:\cygwin\packages" witch is not the default. Press <Alt+N>.

7. Tell Cygwin how you connect to the internet; the default is "Direct
Connection" witch I am keeping. Press <Alt+N>.

8. Wait a few seconds for the installer to download the list of sites; then
press <home> to select "". Press <Alt+N>.

9a. Once again give the installer time to download a file, and then activate
your Jaws curser (or equivalent).

9b. Make sure the radio button that reads "Curr" is checked.

9c. Press <Up-Arrow> and <Down-Arrow> to navigate to the line that says
"Archive Default" and left click on the "D" in default once so it reads

9d. Go to the line that says "Devel Default" and once again left-click on
the "D" in default so it changes to "Devel Install".

9e. Go to the line that reads "Doc Default" and look above that line for a
graphic. On my system it comes up as "Graphic 234". Left-click on it; it
act as a down arrow and make the line "Editors Default" appear under it. It
may appear at the end of the line rather then the line above; just click on
a graphic and see if it does anything.

9f. on the line that reads ""Editors Default", click on the "D" in "Default"
to set the installer to install it.

9g. Click on the graphic again (the number seems to be random) until the
line "Interpreters Default" appears. On my system I had to click on it three
Click the "D" and change "Default" to "Install".

9h. Click on the same graphic as before to scroll down until you see the
line "Text Default" (somewhere around 5 times). Click on the "D" in
 "Default" and
hit <Alt+N>.

10. Wait for everything to install; it took me 48 minutes for everything to
complete. At some points it looks as if the installer is frozen; just let it
sit and it will work through it.

11. Once it has finished, it will put you on the finish screen; <tab> until
you see finish and hit <enter>.

12. Go to your desktop and press <enter> on the "Cygwin" icon.

13. Wait for the setup to finish, and you're dun, you now have a copy of
Cygwin installed.

Setting Up Cygwin for Rockbox:

1. Once again press <enter> on the setup.exe file.

2. Press <enter> on "Run".

3. Press <Alt+N> 5 times.

4. <Tab> once and type in "
" in the "User URL" edit box.

5. <Tab> and press <enter> on the "Add..." button.

6. Tab back to the selection box and press <End> to select the
"" option.

7. Press <Alt-N>.

8. Wait a second for a file to download, and activate your Jaws curser (or

9. Go to the line that reads "All Default" and left-click on the "D" in
"Default" to change it to "Install".

10. Press <Alt+N>.

11. Wait for things to download and install; it took me 20 minutes.

12. Tab to the "finish" button and hit <enter>.

13. Go to your desktop and press <enter> on the Cygwin Icon.

Adding the Cross Compiler Directory to Your Path:

We need to make sure that the cross compiler directory is in your path, so
we must go

Check /etc/profile. From with in Cygwin,

1. Type in <nano /etc/profile>. The "nano" command tells Cygwin that we want
to use the "Nano" edeter (it is like a note pad for Linux), and the
is the file we want to edit.

2a. Go down until you see the line

2b. change it so it reads


3. Press <ctrl+X> to exit. Press <y> when it asks if you want to save, and
press <Enter> when it asks about the file name.

4. Restart Cygwin by typing "exit" and pressing <enter> on the icon again.

Compiling Rockbox:

This is the point we have been working for; here you will compile rockbox
from source. Start up Cygwin and:

1. We must first get the source files from svn; type in

"svn co svn:// rockbox". The last rockbox there
is the name of the new folder that all the source files go in. Press <enter>
and wait for about 4 minutes for everything to download.

2. to see what files and folders there are in your active directory, type in
"ls". You should only see one folder; and that is "rockbox" (or what ever
named the folder in step 1).

3. To change to that folder, type "cd rockbox/" where rockbox is what ever
you named that folder.

4. Make a new folder where you will compile rockbox and voice files. Use the
command "mkdir FolderName" where FolderName is the name of the folder you
to make. I am going to make that folder "myBuild".

5. Change to that folder with the "cd myBuild/" command, where myBuild is
the name of the folder you just made.

6. Type in "../tools/configure" and press <enter> to start the compile

7. type in the platform number that you want to make. For example, "22" for
the Ipod video. Press <enter>.

8. Next it asks for the size of your ram; it may not do this for all
platforms. If you are using an Ipod 30 gigabyte, type in "32", if you are
using an
Ipod 60 or 80 gigabyte, type in "64" and press <enter>.

9. type "n" for a normal build when it asks you what build would you like to
make and press <enter>.

10. Type in "make" and sit back for a few minutes wile rockbox is being

11. Once it is finished compiling, type in "make zip" and wait for another

12. After that, type "mv ~/rockbox/myBuild/ ~" to move the new
rockbox zip file to your home directory. Where, myBuild is the directory
you made in step 4. (In Linux, the home directory is like the desktop in

13. Using Windows explorer, go to "C:\cygwin\home\User" where User is your
user name. You will see the file ""; it is just like you
it from the site. Unzip it on your player, and you are dun.

Making Voice Files:

Here is how to make voice files; you will need Lame, so here is how to get

1. Download the source version of Lame at


2. Save it to your desktop.

3. Using windows explorer, move the file you just downloaded to your home
directory for Cygwin. Mine is "C:\cygwin\home\Sean.M" because Sean.M is my

4. Start Cygwin.

5. Type "tar -xzvf lame-3.97.tar.gz" to unzip it.

6. Type "cd lame-3.97"

7. Type "./configure"

8. Wait until it configures.

9. Ignore the warnings and errors.

10. Type "make".

11. Wait a few moments.

12. Type "make install".

13. Go back to your home directory by typing "cd".

14. Go in to your rockbox directory by typing "cd rockbox/" (see the section
" Compiling Rockbox").

15. Go in to the directory where you build rockbox from source; "cd myBuild"
where, myBuild is your folder name.

16. Type in "../tools/configure" and press <enter> to start the compile

17. Type in the platform number that you want to make. For example, "22" for
the Ipod video. Press <enter>.

18. Next it asks for the size of your ram; it may not do this for all
platforms. If you are using an Ipod 30 gigabyte, type in "32", if you are
using an
Ipod 60 or 80 gigabyte, type in "64" and press <enter>.

19. type "a" for advanced, and press <enter>.

20. Type "v" for voice, and press <enter>.

21. Press <enter> when it says "voice build selected".

22. When it asks what language, press <enter> for English, or the number for
your language.

23. When it says "flite: Command not found. espeak: Command not found.
festival: Command not found. TTS engine to use: (S)API5 (S)?" press <enter>.

24. when it says "Enter sapi5 options (enter for defaults ""):" just press

25. When it says "Enter lame options (enter for defaults "--resample
12 -t -m m -h -V 9 -S -B 64 -

-vbr-new"):" just hit <enter> again.

26. wait for it to create the make file.

27. Type "make voice".

28. Wait for it to make the voice.

29. Type "mv ~/rockbox/myBuild/English.voice ~" to move it to your home
directory. If you did not make an English voice file, change "English" to
what ever
language you made.

30. With windows explorer, go to your home directory and grab the file.

31. You're dun! Put it on your player, and enjoy.

End Notes:

Feel free to email me at Sean p m <at> triad <dot> rr <dot> com with any
suggestions, error corrections, and feedback in general.

Thanks to the people on the Rockbox mailing list that helped me out.

Also thanks to the people that worked on (


Received on 2007-10-02

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