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Subject: Re: unbricking iPod

Re: unbricking iPod

From: Woody Anna Dresner <>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 16:31:21 -1000

Hi Kim,

Have you tried rebooting to the Apple firmware? Sometimes the PC
won't recognize an iPod running Rockbox, but will recognize it when
running the Apple firmware. Also, if the problem is caused by a dead
battery, the iPod charges more efficiently while running the Apple
firmware,. To boot to the Apple firmware, hold down Menu and Select
(the top and middle buttons) and immediately turn the Hold switch on.
Wait about 10 seconds, and turn Hold off. The click wheel should now
click when you run your finger around the wheel.

You asked in your second message how to reset the iPod. The process
is similar to switching to the Apple firmware. Hold down Menu and
Select until Rockbox starts loading. On a Nano, you know this is
happening because you hear two clicks; I'm not sure what it sounds
like on the bigger iPods.

Good luck.

Received on 2007-10-08

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