Rockbox mailing lists
- (no subject)
- A new user with freezing problem
- another note to bricking
- Best player to buy?
- Browsing folders
- car adapter mode in iAudio X5 still broken?
- Certain FLAC files don't play on iPod Video 80GB
- Compatability clarification please?
- crossfade settings
- Cygwin tutorial V 1.1
- Cygwin tutorial!
- Description of the Gigabeet F40
- Differences between sansapatch 0.2 and 0.5?
- Enabling mass storage class support on the Sansa's original firmware?
- Enabling mass storage class support on the Sansa's originalfirmware?
- Enabling mass storage class support on the Sansa'soriginalfirmware?
- encoding itunes music videos into rockbox compatible format
- expanding voice tags in RB
- Followup (was: Instalation Confusion)
- Gigabeet F40 battery switch.
- H340 problems, again...
- Help
- Help please
- Help with my new sansa
- help with new rockbox version
- How to disable disk mode?
- IAudioX5 recording problems
- Improving accessibility in Rockbox Utility
- Instalation Confusion
- Installing the bootloader
- Ipod 1st Gen : Data Abort at 0000874
- Ipod Photo feedback?
- Ipod Video 80GB
- ipod video 80gb freezing
- ipod video and sleep
- Ipod Video hard reset?
- ipod video sleeping
- Ipod Video: starting over.
- Iriver H340
- Laptop with vista
- latest ipod video 80 gig build question
- Looking for player recommendations
- Main LCD illumination when using remote control
- making voice files, repost
- More info on H340 problem!
- MPEG compressed wav files
- New I-pod Nano
- Not speaking directories
- problem with menus being voiced in rockbox
- question about WMA support
- RBUtil and Acessibility
- recovery tool
- remote control of 4th gen. ipod
- Rockbox speech help
- Sandisk Sansa c250 appears dead after Rockbox install
- sansa c240 and sd card
- Sansa e200/e200R keymap change.
- Sansa e280
- sansa e280 accessories
- sansa e280 for sale
- Sansa e280 freeze with original firmware
- sansapatcher
- SAPI 4 and cygwin
- sapi 4 voices with cygwin
- Should the Sansa series be avoided?
- The "Loading" splash
- The 2nd Generation Nano
- unbricking iPod
- voice files
- voice recorder