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Subject: Re: Working with a used archos jukebox 6000

Re: Working with a used archos jukebox 6000

From: Antony Stone <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 15:53:52 +0100

On Sunday 06 July 2008 15:02, Paul Louden wrote:

> Antony Stone wrote:
> > That's all very well, but I do find it rather petty that people will post
> > a reply which *only* tells people about list rules, rather than (a) being
> > helpful and trying to answer the question and also (b) reminding the
> > original poster of the list rules.
> So, what you're saying is "If you don't know the answer to a question,
> you aren't allowed to remind the asker that the list has rules." I find
> this somewhat difficult: What if someone asks a question that doesn't
> belong on the list in the first place? Or what if nobody knows the answer to
> the question? Can we no longer remind the person of the rules?

There is a further option - ignore the question if you cannot answer it, wait
to see if anyone else *does* answer it, and then if that answer didn't itself
contain a reminder about the posting rules, and you think it's important, add
your comment as a further reply. If the helpful reply also contained a
reminder, then it was useful in two ways at once.

If no answer gets posted at all, simply ignore the original posting
permanently - leave it as an orphaned thread, and keep the list quieter as a

Basically I'm just trying to suggest raising the signal-to-noise ratio of the
list (and its archives) by encouraging information-bearing postings (those
which answer questions) and discouraging those which provide no useful
information for users of Rockbox.


Douglas was one of those writers who honourably failed to get anywhere with 
'weekending'.  It put a premium on people who could write things that lasted 
thirty seconds, and Douglas was incapable of writing a single sentence that 
lasted less than thirty seconds.
 - Geoffrey Perkins, about Douglas Adams
                                                     Please reply to the list;
                                                           please don't CC me.
List admin:
Received on 2008-07-06

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