Rockbox mailing lists
- Adam Rosi-Kessel
- alex wallis
- Antony Stone
- aprigliano
- Arno Wald
- Ayiba Peters
- Boby
- Brandon Hicks
- Brian
- Christian Engels
- Christopher Chaltain
- Christopher Woods
- RE: Fwd/prev track behaviour not as expected when moving throughdirs... Bug? (think so, but want to doublecheck before filing bug report) (2008-09-16)
- Fwd/prev track behaviour not as expected when moving through dirs... Bug? (think so, but want to doublecheck before filing bug report) (2008-09-16)
- RE: a software to transcode video files for rockbox (2008-09-15)
- RE: a software to transcode video files for rockbox (2008-09-15)
- RE: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact websitewhich doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-15)
- RE: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-15)
- RE: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-14)
- RE: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact web site which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-13)
- RE: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-12)
- Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact web site which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-12)
- RE: New Ipod 4th gen (2008-09-11)
- Claudio Capriati
- constantine \(on laptop\)
- Conway S. Smith
- CouponSnipper
- Daniel Dalton
- Daniel Stenberg
- Darren Duff
- David Hall
- Re: a software to transcode video files for rockbox (2008-09-16)
- Re: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact websitewhich doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-15)
- Re: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-14)
- Re: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-14)
- Re: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact website which doesn't exist (Win32,maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-13)
- Re: Obsolete step in Rockbox GUI installer, trying to contact web site which doesn't exist (Win32, maybe other OSes too) (2008-09-13)
- Re: Rockbox Sound Quality (2008-09-12)
- Re: Rockbox sound quality (2008-09-11)
- Re: iPod 5G gets *two hours* battery with Rockbox? (2008-09-01)
- Dominik Wenger
- Douglas Anthony Cooper
- eric bertrand
- Gareth J. Greenaway
- Glenn Ervin
- Harald Milz
- Jammit Timmaj
- Jason Boston
- Johan Vromans
- john
- Jose Celestino
- Ker
- Leonard Morris
- Linus Nielsen Feltzing
- mark bishop
- Mark Bright
- mat
- Matthew Farmer
- Mike Hodson
- Mike Holden
- newbeewan
- Nom DePost
- Onj
- Paul Louden
- RaZorbacK
- Rich Cavallaro
- Robert Menes
- Rocker
- Roy DeRousse
- Sarai D. Bucciarelli
- victor rajewski
- Vitja Makarov
- William H. Bowen
- Yoshio Hass