Rockbox mailing lists
- Apple firmware loads automagically
- Call for translators
- getting a new mp3 player
- help
- Ipod 240GB w rockbox 3.7.1
- Ipod classic as a blind person
- Last minute translation sprint!
- Maximum SD card capacity for Sansa e250?
- Open hardware for RockBox
- Problem building voice with RockboxUtility
- Rockbox 3.8 and Sansa Clip+: Playlists problem
- Rockbox 3.8 apple classic/video!
- Rockbox 3.8 Release Candidates
- Rockbox 3.8 released!
- rockbox Digest, Vol 66, Issue 13
- rockbox for V-touch VL-875
- Sansa Clipp+ microsd card
- Shutdown iPod's screen while charging
- talk clips problem
- Transferring *settings*
- Translations