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Subject: Top posting [was "Re: I need some help with Sansa Clip+"]

Top posting [was "Re: I need some help with Sansa Clip+"]

From: Christopher Chaltain <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 20:10:26 -0500

On 22/04/12 16:00, Ross Doerr wrote:
> By the way, what is a "Top-Post"?
> IF I did that, I didn't know I did, so I apologize.

Top posting is what you did, i.e. placing your message above the message
you're replying to. Bottom posting is what I'm doing, i.e. placing my
message below the text I'm referring to. Bottom posting is the proper
etiquette for this list, and it's discussed in the lists etiquette page
which can be gotten to from the link at the bottom of any message to
this list, including this one.

BTW, the list etiquette also talks about trimming the text you're not
referring to. IMHO, this is the greater evil, especially if you're
bottom posting.

You can also set up email clients to default to top posting or bottom
posting, but this can be tricky for a blind person, since so many
blindness related lists frown on bottom posting.

For my part, I have my email client place my signature at the bottom of
the message, below the quoted text, and my cursor at the top of the
message, the beginning of the quoted text. This way, I can top post if
I'm replying to a message on a blindness related list or arrow down
through the message, deleting the text I'm not referring to, on my way
to the bottom of the message, if I'm on a list where bottom posting is
the norm.

Also, don't forget to change the subject line when sending the thread
down a different path.

Christopher (CJ)
Received on 2012-04-23

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