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Subject: Re: new rb install on clip zip

Re: new rb install on clip zip

From: Dionesque <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 15:49:05 +0200

The 3.13 is from March 2013.
Kind regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Gerardo Corripio
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 3:36 PM
To: Rockbox
Subject: Re: new rb install on clip zip

  Good thing this came up! When I debuted Rockboxing a Sansa Zip on my
own, I don't know how I installed the Developper's version instead of
the stable one! How can I then remedy this, or wait until the new one
comes up? I ask because the developper's version I got installed is of
May of 2013, and I believe the final 3.13 version came a little before
then? Thanks for info.

El 09/04/2014 08:21 a.m., Dionesque escribió:
> Hi Kyle!
> Thank you for your reply and infos.
> Two questions:
> 1. When I'd copy the current developer version over the existing stable
> one on my Clip Zip, that is if I'd overwrite the existing files, do I have
> to create new .voice files for this developer version or can I keep on
> using the .voice files that I've created under 3.13?
> 2. Does the current developer version solve the battery level notification
> issue on Clip Zip? Under 3.13 the lower battery levels never get announced
> so I always have to chceck the battery level manually to avoid sudden shut
> down of the player as in such case neither the bookmark on stop nor the
> currently playing mark are not getting saved and I have to scroll a lot
> through the audiobbok to find the spot when the player shutted itself
> down.
> Thank you in advance for any infor on these two issues!
> Kind regards,
> Barbara
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Ben Shepherd
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 2:43 PM
> To: Rockbox
> Subject: Re: new rb install on clip zip
> I'm running 3.13 on a Clip+ and it seems very stable and usable. I was
> concerned that a dev build would be less stable, but your reply has
> gone some way to reducing my fears. What I would like to know is: are
> there any interesting extra features that have been added to the dev
> builds, or is it all just small incremental improvements?
> Ben
> On 9 April 2014 13:32, Kyle <> wrote:
>> The development builds are generated automatically every time there is a
>> change to the git repository. Every time the code changes, a build
>> client runs on ~30 machines to be sure that the code builds correctly,
>> and the resulting builds are uploaded to the website where you can
>> download and use them. In spite of the warnings about the potential of a
>> development build to be unusable or broken, I have had good luck
>> building and installing from git for several years for 3 different Sansa
>> targets. My worst problems have been recording glitches that were fixed
>> within a few hours, and I can only remember about two such glitches.
>> That said, the stable release is generally recommended to decrease the
>> chance of breakage. My personal recommendation is that if you are most
>> comfortable with stable, by all means stick with it, it's quite good.
>> Hope this helps.
>> ~Kyle
>> --
>> "Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
>> Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"
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Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta Reiki
Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México
RompiendoBarreras espacio de psicología/Superación Personal Sábados 10PM 
México ¡los esperamos!
Received on 2014-04-09

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