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Subject: Re: Shuffle and default settings

Re: Shuffle and default settings

From: Steph yahoo via rockbox <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 17:10:32 +0200

In short : this should not happen, you just did something wrong and did not realize. While everything is in the manual, here are some clues which might help…
…or actually confuse you even more. In that case : Oops ! Sorry ! Back to the manual then !

I don't think shuffle is the default setting AND that's not the problem : the player should stay in whichever mode you set it, until you turn it off and after you turn it back on.
You don't even need to save the setting : any current setting is saved in a single file = .rockbox/config.cfg
Saving a batch of settings in a file allows you to load them all at once by opening this file. The result will be saved in .rockbox/config.cfg
When you say that you save the settings in a file are you sure about what you have saved (have you re-opened the file and checked the content) and do you actually reload=reopen it when you want to go back to the saved settings. Also note that .rockbox/config.cfg includes only settings which have been modified, whereas if you save the current configuration, all settings.
Here's what I did
1- I have adjusted every setting I'm interested in
2- I have saved it as .rockbox/configMAIN.cfg (pick your own name)
3- I have made a copy and renamed it configFULL.cfg
4- I have opened and edited configMAIN.cfg getting rid of every line that matches setting I never touch (just to make it more concise)
5- if i mess up with settings I will load configMain.cfg first, if that's not enough, I will open configFULL.cfg

I also added a Shortcut item to my customized menu and created a shorcut file with the settings and (parent)folders I use the most. You can do the same or set and use the quick menu (in your case that would be assign the play mode to one of the four items of the quick menu.
Tshaw !!
Envoyé de mon aPhone
Le 24 mai 2016 04:47:51 HAEC, Glenn via rockbox <> a écrit :
>I listen to dramatized audio while I walk with my Sansa Clip, and
>lately it has gone into shuffle mode and even I go into the menus and
>turn it off, and save the settings file, it keeps booting up with
>shuffle turned on.
>Is the default setting have shuffle turned off?
>This has become quite annoying.

Received on 2016-05-24

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