Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Signing off.Re: Signing off.
From: gl <gl_at_ntlworld.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 13:49:41 -0000 > They have. Which questions do you think aren't answered? gl: "Bjorn, what about the point that Rockbox is most likely 'real software, written by real people with many fake names'? If you cannot enforce the accuracy of a given name, then why try?" tim: "The patch >came from an email address... that's enough (under all but the most >extreme cases) to hold someone legally accountable. So why resist >identification by email (which you have to use anyway to send in >patches), and alternatively, why require anything more than email when >it does the job better than anything short of picture IDs verified in >person?" Paul: " Linus, Daniel and Bjorn should sit down and hammer out exactly what their whole policies on names Given, Chosen, and Pseudo are, their list of reasons for it, and publish that to this mailing list. They've certainly had the chance to see the arguments given here, but I at least don't feel like I've got a clear perspective on what the causes for the policy exactly are." > You decided your conclusions before starting this discussion. You even > made that poll, it didn't give the result you expected, and now you find > new arguments why it shows this result. No, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. It's obvious that some people who would like to contribute choose not to sign up - BlueChip and I don't for starters, but you only know about us because we complained. Many people would just turn away. -- glReceived on 2006-03-13 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |