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Subject: RE: X5 dual boot

RE: X5 dual boot

From: RaeNye <>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 11:01:35 +0200

>> Crt0 does all kinds of evil stuff to the registers.
>> I mustn't change anything...
>Why not?

Since the OF relies on what the preloader did.

>> BTW, the preloader uses a byte transfer (like i2c-coldfire.c device
>> #2) instead of serial scl/sda.
>Why does that matter?

Serial vs. parallel?
1-bit transfer vs. 8-bit is 8 times slower, I guess.
Same job done in less CPU work.

(The next totalliy unrelated topic would be DMA for ATA, but I leave this
for later)
Received on 2006-05-02

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