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Subject: Re: Release policy and coordination

Re: Release policy and coordination

From: Dominik Riebeling <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 00:24:57 +0200


On 6/1/06, Paul Louden <> wrote:
> like to try, we can't guarantee that they receive the proper documentation
> with it, or even know that the resources at exist. But we can
> avoid putting our stamp of approval on what is essentially an unfinished
> project.

a quick idea on this: how about packaging the (still draft, but
hopefully this will be better for 3.1) manual to the release fullzip
archives? It could be placed in the .rockbox/doc folder, and would
also give the opportunity pointing release users to that document.

Also, I think the "standard" user (who is a _user_ and isn't
interested in the development or anything more than a working player
at all) is a user, meaning he wouldn't look further in the software,
look for further help or anything but wipe rockbox of its player --
like Paul already wrote. Which means we need to take care he'll have a
"good" experience.

 - Dominik
Received on 2006-06-02

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